报告人:Yucen Han (Peking University)
时间:2019-11-01 12:00-13:30
地点:Room 1303, Sciences Building No. 1
Abstract: Liquid crystals are classical examples of partially ordered materials that combine the fluidity of liquids with a degree of long-range orientational order. There is substantial interest in defect pattern formation in liquid crystals. Defects are discontinuities in the alignment direction of liquid crystals mainly because of the topological constraint when certain boundary conditions are presented. To study the effects of geometry on the structure, locations and dimensionality of defects, we investigate the nematic equilibria on regular two-dimensional polygons with Dirichlet tangent boundary conditions, in a reduced two-dimensional framework, discussing their relevance in the full three-dimensional framework too. We work at a fixed temperature and study the reduced stable equilibria in terms of the edge length of the regular polygon. We analytically compute a novel “ring solution” in the area of domain to zero limit, with a unique point defect at the center of the polygon except square. The ring solution is unique. For sufficiently large area of domain, we deduce the existence of the number of classes of stable equilibria and numerically compute bifurcation diagrams for reduced equilibria on a pentagon and hexagon, as a function of the area of domain, thus illustrating the effects of geometry on the structure, locations and dimensionality of defects in this framework.